Corporate Governance
Manewitz Weiker is well positioned to address corporate governance issues involving challenged companies.
Corporate governance today has significant meaning for holders of underperforming assets. The frequency with which debt positions convert to equity is increasing. Whether you receive equity because you have held on to a position that gets converted or if you seek a strategy referred to as “loan to own,” corporate governance is important to you. In the current, volatile financial climate of governance reform, many for-profit and not-for-profit companies are facing new and different circumstances, e.g. board member resignations, legal challenges, aggressive regulatory monitoring, and the surge of shareholder expectations for corporate accountability. Boards face increasingly sensitive issues, strained relationships, challenged comfort levels, and threatened authority. Staying informed and ahead of corporate governance issues is crucial to what we do. As generalists with depth and breadth of experience, we ask questions. Our goal is to bring value through an unbiased perspective, a systemic context for identifying and resolving difficult issues, and tools for determining and implementing a sound course of action.
The board of directors that fits a troubled company or a company that has newly emerged from an insolvency proceeding requires very different skill sets from those of a healthy company. We understand the differences and have the talents that are needed. Our direct experience in conjunction with alliances we maintain with leading players in corporate board advisory practices equips our team with the credentials to sit on important board committees.
As a result of our experience representing major institutional investor positions, we bring the ability to assess situations in a broad range of industries and lines of business. The many positions we have represented have made us sensitive to investor expectations and inter-stakeholder issues. We contribute resources and business judgment based on experience. Our approach to problem solving is strategic. Our focus is to build value and find exit strategies as appropriate. Our style is collaborative and we can make tough business decisions.