Our Industries
Manewitz Weiker Associates is uniquely qualified to step in and manage assets that are not performing in accordance with their contract or expectations.
Our expertise crosses many industries, geographic locations, and asset classes. We are intimately familiar with the process, we can mobilize the strategic players, and we know how to optimize restructuring scenarios to enhance overall value.
Industries that benefit from our experience include:
- Airlines
- Automotive, OEM and Suppliers
- Banking and Financial Institutions
- Building Supplies
- Cable
- Construction and Construction
Equipment - Consumer Products
- Death Care
- Defense/Aerospace
- Distribution
- Education
- Emerging Markets
- Energy/Utilities/Pipelines
- Entertainment
- Financial Services
- Food and Beverage
- Health and Beauty Aids
- Healthcare
- Heating Oil
- Heavy Equipment
- Home Builders
- Lease Financing
- Media
- Metals and Mining
- Municipal Finance
- Musical Instruments
- Oil and Gas
- Paper and Paper Products
- Plastics
- Project Finance
- Publishing
- Restaurants
- Retail
- Sports Teams and Arenas
- Steel
- Supermarkets
- Tableware and Housewares
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- Textiles
- Timber/Forest Products
- Transportation — Airlines, Buses, Railroads and Shipping
- Vineyards
- Waste Management